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The proper processing of your personal data is very important for our company and their protection is a matter of course for us, so we would like to provide you with detailed information, especially why we process your personal data, what reasons we have, what rights you have in connection with processing of personal data, as well as other information that may be of interest to you. We would like to assure you that we adhere to strict rules that determine which employee or department has access to your personal data and what personal data it may process. We do not provide your personal data outside of SLOVCLEAN a.s. except if you wish to transfer your personal data to another operator, when we have your consent to do so, and in the event that it is required by law or it authorizes us to do so, or if it is in our legitimate interest.

Please read the information below on the processing of personal data, which we have designed to make this document as clear and practical as possible for you.

If, after reading this document, anything is unclear to you or you are unsure about anything, we will be happy to explain any term or part of this document to you. In these cases, you can contact us in writing at the e-mail address or at the address SLOVCLEAN a.s., Račianska 96, Bratislava 831 02.

1. Who is the controller of your personal data?

The controller of personal data is always the company to which the personal data has been provided and which determines the purpose and means of processing personal data.

The operator of personal data is SLOVCLEAN a. s., with its registered office at Račianska 96, Bratislava 831 02, Company ID: 35 956 526, entered in the Commercial Register of the District Court Bratislava I, Section: Sa, Entry no. 6082 / B (hereinafter referred to as “SLOVCLEAN“).

You can exercise your rights in writing by post or e-mail. You can exercise your rights at the following contacts:

Račianska 96, Bratislava 831 02

The operator has a designated responsible person, which is an employee of Avris Consulting, s.r.o., with its registered office at Kutlíková 17, Bratislava 852 50, Company ID number: 35,962,844, entered in the Commercial Register of the District Court Bratislava I, Section: Sro, Entry no. 38168 / B: Title, name, surname: JUDr. Monika Fegyveres Oravská Contact: (hereinafter referred to as the “responsible person”)

2. What is personal data processing and what are the terms associated with processing?

We would like to begin by introducing you to the basic terms used in this document to help you better understand this document.

Personal data – any information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person, such as name, surname, date of birth, birth number, telephone number, email address, IP address, etc.
Data subject – a natural person to whom personal data relate.
Processing of personal data – the activity performed by the controller or intermediary with personal data.
Operator – a natural person or legal entity that determines the purpose and means of personal data processing; the operator may entrust the processing to an intermediary.
Intermediary – a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other entity that processes personal data for the controller on its behalf.
Responsible person – a natural or legal person designated by the controller or intermediary to perform activities related to the protection of personal data.
Purpose – the reason why the controller processes personal data.
Special categories of personal data – sensitive personal data that has a specific character, such as health data or biometric data enabling the identification of a person.
Legitimate interest – the interest of the controller or any other entity that implies the need to process personal data if it outweighs the interests of the data subject, for example when the data subject is a customer of the controller.
Profiling – any automatic processing of personal data that is used to evaluate specific personal conditions, such as online behaviour and online shopping.
Cookies – small data files that are stored in a special browser mailbox on the user’s computer and are necessary for some functions of websites, such as logging in and are often used to monitor users’ behaviour on the web, their use can be disabled in most Internet browsers.
Recipient – a natural person, legal entity, public authority or other entity to which personal data are provided.
Service – any of the services we offer you, i.e. our products and services offered online and their support.

3. What personal data do we process?

We only process personal information so that we can provide you with our services and customer support, comply with our legal obligations, and also protect our legitimate interests. We collect personal information about our customers, including potential customers who are interested in our services or who have given us consent, so that we can contact them with a range of services.

In particular, we process the following categories of personal data:

Basic identification data
We need basic identification data for the purposes of the contract you enter into with us. It is a business name, title, name, surname of the statutory body, or contact person, his job classification and employer, registered office and ID number.
Contact information
Contact details include email and phone number.
Information on the use of our services
This information includes information about the services you have purchased from us, and based on this information, we may recommend other suitable services.
Information about interacting with you
We record information about your interaction with you in writing so that we can provide you with adequate customer support.
Transaction data
This is solely information about payments for our services.

4. For what purposes do we process personal data?

Osobnú údaje spracúvame:
  • without the need for your consent,
  • with your consent.

Processing without the need for your consent:

Processing under contract

We process your personal data for the purpose of concluding a contract between you, as our customer and potential client, and us, as a supplier, when using our services. In such a case, personal data are processed only to the extent necessary for the conclusion and performance of the relevant contract. These include performance of the subject of the contract, customer support, contract management and registration of participants.

For this purpose, the provision of your personal data is completely voluntary, but it is necessary for the conclusion of the contract and its subsequent administration. Without this information, we would not be able to enter into a contract with you and fulfill the obligations and rights arising from it.

Processing on the basis of legitimate interests

The legitimate interest of SLOVCLEAN is:
  • inform you about news concerning the administration of your contract and offer you the services of SLOVCLEAN,
  • defence of legal claims.

Processing for statistical purposes

After the termination of your contract and the expiration of the time for which we store personal data, the personal data is further processed for statistical purposes, in an anonymised form.

Processing with your consent:

Processing for marketing purposes
We also process your personal data for marketing purposes if you have given us your consent for this purpose.

Marketing includes in particular the following activities: the offer of SLOVCLEAN services. Based on your consent, we may send you offers electronically, especially by e-mail.

The consent provided for marketing purposes is completely voluntary, but it is necessary that we can send you individual offers of SLOVCLEAN services. We cannot provide you with individual service offers without the consent granted in this way.

You can revoke your consent at any time, even in part, at SLOVCLEAN in writing by post or e-mail at the contacts:

Račianska 96, Bratislava 831 02

Use of cookies

We use cookies only with your consent. To prevent the use of cookies, simply run the Private Browsing function in your browser before visiting the website. In this case, however, it is possible that some parts of the website will not be displayed correctly, it will be more difficult for you to view and you will not be shown content that meets your needs.

5. How long do we store your personal data?

We store your personal data for the duration of your contract so that we can provide you with our services. After the termination of the contractual relationship and the settlement of all obligations arising from or related to the contract, we store your personal data for the necessary time, for a period of up to 10 years, which is required by applicable law.

The retention period of personal data results mainly from Act No. 431/2002 Coll. on accounting as amended and Act No. 40/1964 Coll. Civil Code as amended.

If you have concluded a contract with SLOVCLEAN and you have given us consent to the processing of personal data for marketing purposes, this consent lasts for the duration of the contractual relationship with SLOVCLEAN and for 5 years after the termination of such contractual relationship or until you revoke the consent. If you have not concluded a contract with SLOVCLEAN and you have only given us consent to the processing of personal data for marketing purposes, this consent lasts for a period of 5 years from its granting or until you revoke the consent. If you conclude a contract or another contract with SLOVCLEAN, the above-mentioned period of personal data processing is calculated in accordance with the above-mentioned rules according to the last concluded contract.

6. Where do we get personal data from?

We collect personal data:
  • directly from you at the conclusion and during the duration of the contract and at the performance of the contract
  • directly from you by granting consent to the sending of the offer of SLOVCLEAN services
  • from other persons to whom you have given your consent

7. How can you revoke your consent to the processing of personal data for marketing purposes?

Consent to the processing of personal data for marketing purposes is based on the principle of voluntariness. This means you can revoke it at any time. Do you no longer want to receive SLOVCLEAN service offers? That is regretful, but we fully respect your decision.

What should a revocation of consent contain?

Who files the revocation. Please provide your name, surname and email. Indicate explicitly that you do not want us to further process your personal data for marketing purposes. You can revoke the consent in general (it will apply to all marketing activities), or specify which marketing activities the revocation applies to (sending offers of SLOVCLEAN services). Address the revocation to SLOVCLEAN. How can you send an appeal? You can send the revocation of consent by post or email.

In the case of offers of services sent by e-mail or in the case of information e-mails, you can revoke the consent online, directly in the text of this e-mail, by clicking on the link that allows the revocation of consent to send these e-mails. In this case, your email will be automatically deleted from our database.

8. Do we use automated processing of your personal data?

We would like to inform you that we do not use so-called profiling, i.e. automated processing.

9. What rights do you have in connection with the processing of your personal data?

Proper processing of your personal data is important to us and their protection is a matter of course. You can exercise the following rights when processing personal data:

Information on the processing of your personal data

The content of the information is in particular the identity and contact details of the controller, processing purposes, categories of personal data concerned, recipient or categories of recipients of personal data, information on personal data transfer to third countries, retention period of personal data, authorized operators, calculation of your rights, the possibility to contact the Office for Personal Data Protection, the source of the processed personal data, information on whether and how automated decision-making and profiling takes place.

Right of access to personal data

You have the right to confirm whether or not personal data are being processed and, if so, you have the right to access information on the purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data concerned, recipients or categories of recipients, the retention period of personal data, information about your rights, on the right to lodge a complaint with the Office for Personal Data Protection, information about the source of personal data, information on whether there is automated decision-making and profiling, information and guarantees in case of personal data transfer to a third party country or international organization. You have the right to be provided copies of the personal data processed.

Right of correction

Do we process your outdated or inaccurate personal data? For example, did you change your email? Please let us know and we will correct your personal data.

Right of erasure (right to be forgotten)

In some cases stipulated by law, we are obliged to delete your personal data at your instruction. However, each such request is subject to an individual assessment of whether the conditions are met, because, for example, SLOVCLEAN may have an obligation or a legitimate interest, if it outweighs your interests, to retain personal data.

Right to restrict processing

If you wish that we process your personal data exclusively for the most necessary legal reasons or block personal data.

Right to data portability

If you wish us to provide your personal data to another operator, another company, we transfer your personal data in the appropriate format, unless we are prevented from doing so by any legal or other significant obstacles, to the entity designated by you.

The right to object to automated individual decision-making

If you find or believe that we are processing personal data in violation of the protection of your private and personal life or in violation of the law, please contact us and ask us to explain or eliminate the resulting unsatisfactory condition.

You can also object directly to automated decision-making.

The right to submit a petition or complaint to the Office for Personal Data Protection At any time, you can contact the supervisory body with a complaint or petition about the processing of personal data, namely the Office for Personal Data Protection of the Slovak Republic, with its registered office at Hraničná 12, 820 07 Bratislava 27, Slovak Republic, Company ID: 36 064 220, phone no .: +421/2/3231 3220, website

10. Where can you exercise your rights and is there a charge for exercising them?

You can exercise individual rights at SLOVCLEAN by email to or in writing to the correspondence address Račianska 96, Bratislava 831 02.

We provide all notices and statements about your rights exercised free of charge. However, if the request is manifestly unfounded or disproportionate, in particular because it is repeated, we are entitled to charge a reasonable fee taking into account the administrative costs associated with providing the requested information. In the case of repeated application for copies of processed personal data, we reserve the right to charge a reasonable fee for administrative costs.

How long is the expected wait time for an answer from SLOVCLEAN? We will provide you with a statement and, if necessary, information on the measures taken as soon as possible, but no later than within one month. We are entitled to extend the deadline by two months if necessary and due to the complexity and number of applications. We will inform you about the extension of the deadline, including the reason.

11. Who can access your data?

Personal data is accessible to the operator, its employees, the responsible person and may also have contractual intermediaries, in particular the company IT service providers and bookkeeping.

For example, it may be external companies that manage our systems, or other services that ensure the proper operation of the company and the processing of personal data. We have a contract with these intermediaries on the processing of personal data and are also bound by compliance with strict rules for personal data protection, including confidentiality, so as to maintain the highest standard of legal protection in accordance with the requirements of applicable law in the Slovak Republic.


We have entrusted the performance of certain activities aimed at the administration of your contract or the provision of services in this connection to external suppliers, with whom we have concluded fair contracts on the processing of personal data, while choosing them, we make sure that they meet proper measures to protect and secure your personal data.

For these purposes, suppliers include in particular: IT service providers, bookkeeping and the responsible person.

12. An overview of selected legal regulations governing the issue of personal data

European framework:

Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR)

National legislation :

The Constitution of the Slovak Republic (published under No. 460/1992 Coll.) Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on Personal Data Protection and on Amendments to Certain Acts, as amended 13. Where can you contact us? If you have any questions or comments about this information obligation, do not hesitate to contact us at any time, by email to or in writing to the correspondence address Račianska 96, Bratislava 831 02.

This document will be updated regularly. Status As of 10. 5. 2018.

Our clients

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