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Revolutionary cleaning technology OXIVIR EXCEL for disinfection of frequently touched surfaces

novinka 3

Dear clients, business partners, we are constantly working to improve our services for you. In connection with the further development of the pandemic, as well as with the coming period of various respiratory diseases, our company brings a “strengthening” in the sanitation of the premises for all its customers. We have therefore added the increased… Continue reading Revolutionary cleaning technology OXIVIR EXCEL for disinfection of frequently touched surfaces

Polymer-type disinfection always in high demand


Dear clients, business partners, over the past six months, dozens of our customers have been convinced of the quality and effectiveness of the polymer-type disinfection we provide. At a time when the situation with COVID19 is starting to deteriorate again, we are always ready to help you with the disinfection of your premises, either preventively… Continue reading Polymer-type disinfection always in high demand

Polymer disinfection – a revolutionary hygiene solution


Dear clients and business partners, we would like to introduce you to another way our company SLOVCLEAN looks after the hygienic safety of its clients in the form of surface polymer disinfection. You can see an example of how polymer disinfection works in a shopping centre in the video: : Do you also need to… Continue reading Polymer disinfection – a revolutionary hygiene solution

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Thanks to the long-term provision of quality services, clients from various fields cooperate with us.